Getting to Know More about Vitamin C


Vitamin C is not just helpful in fighting colds. If you need to lose weight for whatever reasons, this vitamin can help you. Did you know that fruits that are high in Vitamin C can let you burn more fats?

What Is Vitamin C? 

Vitamin C is also referred to as ascorbic acid. It’s a water-soluble vitamin with an antioxidant function in one’s body. This just means that this neutralizes free radicals, which can cause damage to cells. 

Vitamins that are water-soluble are not stored in one’s body. With this, you need to consider taking a fresh supply of these every day. Otherwise, you will be at risk of developing a deficiency that can lead to some health issues over time. Unfortunately, one’s body does not have the capability of producing Vitamin C. So, it is important to ensure that you take this nutrient adequately.

Vitamin C and Weight Loss

If you consider juicing recipes for your weight loss, you will get results if you will include fruits that are rich in Vitamin C. 

Researchers are searching for fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C that can increase your rate of burning fats during exercise. So, eat some and use them for your juicing recipes.

 You can consider any fruits that are rich in Vitamin C. If you don’t have any idea which one is best suited on your weight loss journey, then ask for assistance from experts. Also, if you have allergies to some fruits, better consult your physician and ask for a piece of advice about the right fruits that you can use.

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