Herbs For Helping With Lung Conditions


Lung disease is popularly linked to smoking, however, of late there are other factors that seem to also be linked to lung problems. The quality of air most people breathe today is really very polluted.

 Some foods are eaten as cooked or prepared raw also contain a  lot of unwanted chemicals that is the cause of lung problems too.

Breathing Better

Numerous herbs have been known to have the necessary elements to help treat lung diseases. Asthma, lung cancer, influenza and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are just some of the conditions that can be treated with the use of herbal concoctions. 

Licorice is an herb that may have some benefits when used to treat lung disease. Bronchitis and lung infections usually decrease or even get eradicated from using licorice regularly. It can also be used to milder conditions like inflamed throat or coughs. 

Elecampane is mainly used as an antiseptic that helps to kill of the existing germs and also treat the lungs and throat to prevent the reoccurrence of the infection. 

 It can also be used to treat irritable coughs, bronchitis, tuberculosis, silicosis, asthma, and emphysema. However as this herb can cause adverse effects like vomiting, diarrhea and stomach spasms and a doctor should be consulted to get the right dosage.

 Asian ginseng, also known as Panax ginseng may be helpful in treating lung diseases too. Ginseng is generally used to treat numerous conditions, boost overall health, and also further support the immune system. In some cases, A highly significant reduction in tumors has been noted. Ginseng can be taken as a dietary supplement.

To provide a wider range of herbs that can be used for loosely categorized lung diseases refer to the information given below: 

 Lungs that are too dry – wild cheery bark, raw Rehmannia root, licorice root, slippery elm bark and marshmallow root.

  Lungs that are very weak – astragalus root, cordyceps mushroom, schizandra berries, amla fruit, ginseng root, and American ginseng root.

  Simple mild lung inflammation – Boswellia gum, scute root, and turmeric root.

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