The Solution for Facing Health Problems


We have erred horribly with our eating habits so far. Unless we take the stock of the situation and take matters into our own hands, things are not going to improve. 

The first thing is awareness. We have to learn what foods are right for us and what is not. We have to go back to school (not literally, of course) and understand what the nutrients are that our body really wants and in what measure. Then we have to work up a dietary regimen for ourselves and our family so that we eat healthier. We must cut down on all the foods that are harmful – the carbohydrates, the fats, the sugars, we don‟t really want them – and incorporate foods that can boost our health. 

This does sound too preachy, I know. But that is the only respite we have got. If we keep munching on Oreos, we are never going to get better. 

 But there‟s hope. Hope lies in the fact that there are many foods out there that are just as tasty as those nasty junk foods but we don‟t yet know about them. These are the foods that we don‟t know about yet, we probably don‟t care for them or because we don‟t know how to prepare them, but a good health cookbook could help you in understanding various interesting ways to healthy cooking. Even with the same kind of diet you eat, you can conjure up some very delicious healthy dishes. Yes, it is all very much possible. You can modify your eating habits to a large extent, while at the same time taking care of your palate. 

The fact is that the weight loss industry is responsible in a very significant way for this downfall of the developed human race. They need to keep selling their Atkinses and Jenny Craigs and Zones and Medifast's and for that reason, the media never tells you how we can actually take things into your own hands. They show us glitzy before-after pictures of a guy with a foot-long pannus and then the same guy with six pack abs and tell us that the diet made that possible.

 But the fact is, if we were to take things into our own hands, we could very easily do that too, without needing to spend thousands of dollars on getting those diets. And what do we have to do? 

Two basic things:-

  Control what we eat.

  Indulge in physical exercise.

Now, is that too much to do? Don‟t we owe that to our body that has served us so well all these years? Don‟t we owe that to ourselves and our families? 

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