Understanding Portion Sizes


People often relate serving sizes to the number of particular foods that are placed on their plates like at restaurants. Unfortunately, that’s not what portion sizes are. More often than not, portions that are served are not really the true serving size. That is the reason why some find it tough to control portion sizes. 

Many people don’t often measure their foods even when at home. Usually, they guess what one serving of food item is. Due to this, some don’t understand the meaning of true portion size.

 For you to know more about portion sizes, try to measure the serving size of your foods. In this way, you will not be able to control your calorie intake, but also you learn to watch portion sizes. 

General Rule of Thumb When Placing Portions On Your Plate 

There are various ways on how you can control portions. Some of these are the following: 

 The size of a baseball or a fist of a woman is equal to a serving of fruits and vegetables. 

A rounded handful is about the same as a half cup of pasta or cooked rice.

  The size of the cards’ deck is approximately three ounces of meat, which is a common serving size.

  The large egg’s size or golf ball is about one-fourth cup of nuts.

  A computer mouse has the same size as a small potato. 

Aside from those mentioned ways, measuring is still considered the best way to make sure that you are eating the right portion size. Once you’ve measured your foods for the meantime, you can guarantee that you are getting the right serving size. 

If you are not sure if you got the right size, try placing less on your plate. Then, if you are hungry, go for a 2nd half portion for you to be sure

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